Google Wallet Will Release The Physical Payment Card

Last week Google announced that it would soon present its new Google Wallet , and now thanks to a leak we have learned that Google Wallet will give the physical payment card to pay for those businesses or countries where it is not not accept payments via NFC.
google wallet with physical card

The physical Google Wallet card will work just like a regular credit card. Whatever your currently selected default card on the Wallet app is, the Wallet card will charge to. It will work anywhere major credit cards are accepted

Google Wallet Features

The Google Wallet Card is a payment card standard circuit honoring the abundance we pay with any of our credit cards and debit cards that we added in Google Wallet. From the official Android application or from your card web say that we want to pass on a copper trade Google Wallet Card. This may prevent more than one having to carry all your cards in your wallet and carry only the Google Wallet application and from which we want to select in the charge is made.

Google Wallet Card app

google wallet card physical

This card would be requested from the web or Android app and we come by post to our address, but whether this card will be available worldwide or limited to the United States. Some stores may apply discounts and special offers to pay with Google Wallet Card.
how to get google wallet

Other features are discovered that the new version of Google Wallet will send money to other users and add some public transport cards, probably only support NFC. Neither rule can also add tickets, tickets and cards.

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